It is no surprise that your child may suffer from anxiety or discomfort when going to the dentist. In fact, there are a significant amount of children in the United States who actually suffer from a disorder of dental phobia. Based on statistics from WebMD, studies show that there are about 9 to up to 20 percent of children who have fears of seeing the dentist. Many children suffer from having dental phobia and fears all because of their thoughts and perception of what they are going to experience at the dentist. There have also been many children who have faced serious trauma when going to the dentist. For example, a parent may have physically forced a child to attend their dental appointment while kicking and screaming. Or, perhaps a child may have had to undergo dental treatment that required getting shots in the mouth to numb the area. Regardless, of how they got their fear or phobia, it is important to understand how to overcome it. Getting your child to overcome their fear of seeing their dentist can help them maintain that are oral health now and in their future.
According to Better Health, some of the signs and symptoms of experiencing the condition of dental anxiety may include the following: extreme sweating, a fast or racing heartbeat, palpitations, low blood pressure, the feeling of fainting, obvious distress, crying, signs of panic, withdrawal and even using humor to masks and anxiety. You won’t really understand your child at first when they first tell you that they don’t want to see the dentist. In fact, there are many parents who actually ignore their child’s request to not see the dentist. It is important to understand that your child is at a very sensitive age and anything you say or do can significantly impact their future. In order to get your child to cooperate when it is time to see their dentist, you have to make effort to help them be and feel comfortable. The one way you can assist them in feeling comfortable by finding the right match of a dentist.
There are many dentist offices that specialize in treating children who have dental fears. These dental facilities are usually the offices that offer a more kid friendly environment. For example, instead of going to a clean and neat adult dental facility that could possibly scare your child, you can consider taking them to a dental facility that has an environment that encourages fun and excitement. There are some dental facilities that even have video games displayed for children to participate in while waiting to get called back. You always want to make sure that you were selecting the right title facility for your child to make the process smoother and easier. Take time to conduct your own research online to finding your nearest kid friendly dentistry Office. You can also conduct a general search for a kids dentistry Middletown KY.
It is important to help your child deal with any fears or phobia that they may have when going to the dentist. Helping your child overcome their fear can give them the confidence they need to cooperate at the dentist. Your child’s health and oral health depends on your actions of how you are able to assist your child in dealing with their dental fears. When you are able to find a right match, you are able to Sister child in building love for going to the dentist.
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