LASIK is laser eye surgery and it’s a far more common procedure than it was a couple of decades ago. Many people who wear glasses or contact lenses consider LASIK because of the freedom that it can provide. If you’re accustomed to wearing glasses or contact lenses, then you know it’s inconvenient at times, especially if you play sports. While LASIK can definitely provide freedom, there are considerations that should be made because there are some people who are not candidates for the surgery. A good way to find out if you’re a candidate is to visit an optometrist that provides a LASIK surgery Franklin TN.
One of the considerations related to LASIK is the associated risks. While there are many people who have had the surgery, with great success, it’s important to acknowledge that complications are possible, just as they are with any other surgery. There’s a chance of complications even if you are considered an ideal candidate. For instance, some patients who have had LASIK are somewhat disappointed because they did not end up with 20/20 vision, which is the ultimate goal. Fortunately, when this does happen, it’s common to have results that are only slightly less than ideal. It’s a complication that’s rare, but it should be acknowledged and accepted as a possibility.
A key consideration in whether you should move forward with LASIK is your age. The FDA approved LASIK for patients who are aged 18 and older. However, it’s often recommended that you wait until you have a stable prescription. It’s also recommended that you wait until you are in your mid-20s, but that’s mainly because your vision is likely to stabilize in your 20s.
Another problem that occurs is a condition called presbyopia, which happens around the age of 40. This is a condition in which you have difficulty seeing things that are within arms length. LASIK has been used to correct this condition by changing your non-dominant eye so that it is slightly nearsighted, which allows you to see things that are close up. This procedure is called monovision.
An optometrist making a decision about whether your are a good candidate for LASIK will consider your overall health and any eye diseases. For instance, individuals with cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disease, optic nerve disease and other conditions are not good candidates for LASIK. People with uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disease or cardiovascular disease might not be approved for the surgery. Other issues that your optometrist will take into consideration is whether you have conditions such as dry eyes, lazy eye, muscle imbalance, keloid scarring or mental health challenges. It’s because these conditions might complicate the recovery process.
If you are approved for the surgery, there are a few things that you’ll need to do. For instance, you won’t be able to wear contact lenses for several weeks. There are other requirements for surgery day, such as not wearing any makeup or perfume. You’ll also need to have transportation to and from your doctor’s office on the day of the surgery. Your optometrist can provide more details about LASIK.
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