MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a test that uses powerful radio waves, powerful magnets, and a computer to create detailed pictures of tissues and organs within the body of a patient. It is used by researchers and doctors in research and medical procedures. The development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging has brought several benefits to the medical field.
The MRI Imaging Kenai AK doctors use resembles a relatively large tube with a table within it that allows ailing individuals to slide in. It doesn’t use potentially damaging ionizing radiation. It is a non-invasive as well as painless procedure. With the help of this facility, researchers, doctors, and scientists can now examine the interior of a human body with a help of a non-invasive tool. Magnetic Resonance Imaging can be used to examine anomalies of the spinal cord and the brain, cysts, tumors, heart problems, endometriosis, fibroids, and other challenges in different parts of organs of the body. It can also be used to screen women at high risk of suffering from breast cancer.
How to Prepare For A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan
Before the actual process commences, physicians may ask the ailing individuals to change into particular clothing. There should be no objects within the scanner because the system uses magnets. Any good physician will require the person being investigated to extract any accessories or jewelry that can interfere with the performance of the machine.
A person cannot be a good candidate for an MRI if they have metals such as shrapnel, bullets, or other metallic objects in their body. People with medical devices like aneurysm clips, pacemakers, and cochlea implants may also not be suitable candidates for this procedure. People who feel afraid of being in an enclosed place should consider letting the physician know. This will help the doctors know the type of medications to give them.
At times, the patients are injected with particular liquid in order to enhance the visibility of the organ or tissue being examined. Patients are needed to have a one-on-one discussion on the entire with a radiologist. This should be done before the process starts.
During a Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan
When a patient gets into the scanner, the technician will talk to the ailing individual through the intercom. This is to confirm that they are free and comfortable. The process can only start when the patient confirms that they are ready. The patient should remain calm and still during the entire process otherwise the images may not be clear.
Loud clanging noises can come from the equipment during the scanning process. This is normal and the patient should not feel afraid. The loudness of the noise depends on the type of images being taken. If the ailing individual feels uncomfortable in the course of the procedure, they may request the Magnetic Resonance Imaging technician to stop the process via the intercom.
After the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan
The radiologist will investigate the images immediately after the scan. If they meet the required standard, the patient will be asked to go home. The radiologist makes a report and then presents it to the physician who had made a request. The patient is then asked to have a one-on-one discussion about the result with the doctor.
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