Referring to the American Cancer Society, research has found that there will be an estimated number of more than 1.7 million new cases of cancer in the year 2019, in America. Sadly, there will be more than 606,880 people who will actually die from their cancer diagnosis in the United States annually. Some of the common cancers that are diagnosed in the United States are breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, skin cancer and urinary bladder cancer. It is very unfortunate that so many Americans lose their lives every year to cancer. But, what many people should take in consideration is that many of these cancers are very preventable with early screenings. Once you are diagnosed with having cancer, you can be able to possibly stop it in its tracks and treat it for good. But you cannot make any progress if you are not visiting your doctor on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many cancers that have been diagnosed in America have been caught in its later stages. Once cancer has been diagnosed in its later stages, it is very difficult to treat and cure. If you are looking to live a healthy and long life, you may want to make regular screenings with your family doctor one of your top priorities in life.
According to the National Cancer Institute, studies show that the total overall cancer death rate in America has dropped by more than 26 percent between the years of 1999 to 2015. One of the main reasons for why the number of cancer deaths have significantly decrease has a lot to do with the increase in people opting to conduct screening. Fortunately, cancer can be caught with conducting early and regular screenings to detect early traces of certain cancers. With finding cancer in its early stages, you have a much higher rate of surviving and treating your cancer. Make it one of your newest priorities to visit with your family doctor on a regular basis. You can also talk to your doctor about any other signs or symptoms that you have been facing that make you suspicious of possible signs and symptoms of cancer.
If you have not visited with your family doctor in quite some time, make it one of your goals to see your doctor annually for specific screenings. You can also talk to your doctor about what their recommendations are for regular screenings at your age and your medical history. Take time to conduct more research online to finding out more information about finding your nearest family doctor soldotna ak.
It is so important for people to become aware of some of the signs and symptoms of early cancer. When you are able to catch cancer early stages, you could possibly end up saving your life. Talk with your family doctor on some other ways that you can be proactive in your health to catch cancer in its tracks. Stay healthy with regular visits to your physician.
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