Did you know that cancer is a leading cause of death for all people in America? Unfortunately, at least 1 in 3 people within the U.S. will lose their life to this dreaded disease. Still, there is a lot of hope. The truth is that many people who get cancer also manage to defeat this disease and live a lot longer than expected. You might not know this but there is a cancer culture in America. This culture is not just about death but about life, friendship, love and of course hope. Keep reading to discover what the culture of cancer is and how it impacts people today.
What is the Culture of Cancer?
The Culture of Cancer is the broad spectrum of beliefs, attitudes, interactions, interpretations and social perceptions that define what cancer is and how it affects people. This term is also defined by how people interact with cancer patients, how medical professionals provide treatments and by how cancer patients see life through this disease. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health states that The Culture of Cancer is also defined by the stigmas, misconceptions and fears that surround this disease. Ultimately, cancer culture is a positive aspect of modern society, but it also has negative connotations as well. Ultimately, The Culture of Cancer supports and endorses cancer patients all throughout the country.
A Patient’s View in the Culture of Cancer
According to the Cancer Network, patients typically view treatments according to how they experience life. All patients often see life through a religious, social and cultural framework. Some patients believe that cancer is a treatable condition while other view it as a punishment from some higher power. In short people see cancer in different ways and their perception about this disease (and life in general) will impact how they will deal with this disease. A patient’s perspective will also influence how oncologists and other cancer patients will deal with condition as well.
Cancer Treatment Facilities and their Contribution to the Cause of Cancer
Various cancer treatment facilities throughout the nation put forth a valiant effort to eliminate and eradicate cancer. Many of these organizations know that they must provide exceptional care for patients. They also conduct extensive research to discover cures. Treatment facilities are on the front lines of combating this disease. They ensure that patients have the most advance care and resources that is needed to manage this disease. Oncologists and support staff play a vital role with the elimination and control of cancer and its impact on patients.
Cancer Advocacy and Modern Culture
Cancer is such a deadly disease that organizations must continuously endorse and support various fund-raising events. They also must constantly raise awareness about this disease and provide education to the general public. This aspect of The Culture of Cancer if often seen in the form of community walks or runs that raise funds for cancer awareness. It is also seen when cancer patients live out their last remaining days competing within athletic events and when patients simply refuse to die in a hospice setting or in a hospital.
Look, cancer is a deadly disease. It will claim the lives of many people. Just about everyone you know has some type of personal experience with cancer. Fact is that many more people are going to contract this disease. This is especially true when the population is expanding, and cancer cases are expected to increase over the coming years. Cancer Treatment Scottsdale AZ also knows that cancer will increase with a larger population.
There is so much more to the Culture of Cancer that everything cannot be discussed here. Just know that the culture that is involve in cancer is about the patients first and foremost. However, it’s also about the family members, friends, organizations, businesses and everyday people who are dealing with cancer now and well into the future.
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