One of the most prevalent areas in the body, that’s a breeding ground for bacteria in the ear canal, and doctors say ear infections are all too common. But should you self-treat, or seek medical treatment? Doctors say ear infections should not be neglected and should be treated by medical staff because it can cause significant damage.
According to physicians at one walk in clinic folsom ca communities often see an increase in ear infections when predominant allergens, like pollen, and viruses, like influenza are on the rise. “We see many people try and self-treat with homeopathic methods but they don’t always work, and you may not realize that bacteria from an ear infection can migrate to the brain and cause catastrophic damage,” says one expert. Ear infections can be more or less problematic depending on whether they are limited to the external ear, or the middle and the internal ear. Children are particularly affected, so if you suspect an ear infection, visit a doctor.
Ear Infections And The Complications That Follow
Inflammations of the middle ear space can occur suddenly or over a long period of time. It is most often due to a progressive bacteria infection that has migrated from the throat to the middle ear through the Eustachian tube. If there are any defects, like a hole in the eardrum, the pathogens can also creep in from the ear canal. These infections typically result in pain, fever, and headaches, and in severe cases can also lead to deafness.
The disease becomes dangerous when viruses, for example in the case of flu or measles, are the culprits. This is because they can spread to the inner ear or even the brain, slowly spreading deadly pathogens, and creating permanent damage. Even aggressive bacteria or a compromised immunity can lead to complications. The most common complication is mastoiditis, which is the spread of inflammation in the middle ear. Issues with the middle ear can result in problems with your sense of balance.
The Various Treatments For Ear Infections
Treatments vary depending on the affected part of the ear and on severity. Frequently, antibiotics are used, in some cases, surgery is required. Triggering diseases such as allergies or diabetes need to be considered.
Outer ear inflammation: The doctor will carefully cleanse and disinfect the ear canal, often placing gauze strips soaked in antibiotics and/or cortisone. In fungal infections, fungicides are applied locally as drops or ointments.
Acute middle ear infection: Every 3 to 4 hours, preferably lying down, drops are administered into the ear canal which, in order to reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane, also lead to the entrance of the Eustachian tube and thus improves ventilation.
Inner ear infection: Antibiotics are given to eliminate bacteria. Doctors may also perform an eardrum incision to reduce any middle ear inflammation. However, depending on any indirect causes, doctors may decide to perform surgery. Physicians point out, when it comes to ear infections, what starts out as harmless can quickly become dangerous. Therefore, sufferers should always seek medical attention.
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